"Get it live has a super-fast grasp and a good overview of your industry. The expertise and the external view of our processes are instrumental in shaping every project. The “view from outside” is a real enrichment without generating additional effort. Our internal processes can be communicated in a resource-saving manner and without major effort."
"The quality standard of get it live is extraordinarily high. There are no errors in completed software versions. The documentation is very comprehensible and comprehensive and is regularly maintained. If an error does occur during operation, it is communicated transparently and usually corrected on the same day. Everything is actually as one would wish."
"Get it live delivers premium quality and premium service at a fair price that can stand up to any comparison. Although it is produced in Germany, the prices can also keep up internationally. The pricing model is very transparent and fair, all costs are comprehensible and explained in detail. The advised budget is adhered to. Changes and function extensions were implemented without additional costs."
Translated from German