Banking and financial industry
5-6 months
When consumers or businesses apply for a financial product, which includes some sort of credit, loan, or mortgage, their ability to pay back the funds needs to be verified.
This process is commonly done through a scoring system. There are numerous national and international sources for calculating a score. One possible source is the bank, where the business or consumer has his main bank account.
The bank is usually able to tell if their customer has sufficient funds, is reliable and a good business partner.
There is an unstructured and unstandardized process for requesting this information from a bank. The process is paper-based, resource intense, and expensive alike.
Together with a larger number of banks we have created a platform, where banks can share their credit experience with a customer online.
The platform includes the management of incoming and outgoing requests as well as the settlement process. We used a huge variety of modern but also legacy technologies to make the integration for banks as easy as possible and allow the interaction with banks not directly connected to the platform.
It results in a significant reduction of manual work and speeds up the process of requesting and receiving information significantly.
In addition to the definition, management of the parties involved, and implementation, we are also taking care of the end consumer support, as well as the hosting in our Frankfurt-based data center.